
Penalties stink especially when they can be completely avoided. Such is normally the case with the form 593 because of the reliance on the escrow company to properly report the information to the Franchise Tax Board.

You may be assessed penalties if:

Interest will be assessed on late withholding payments and is computed from the due date to the date paid.

The Franchise Tax Board assesses a penalty for failure to file complete, correct, and timely information returns.

The penalty is calculated per seller:

$50 if filed 1 to 30 days after the due date.
$110 if filed 31 days to 6 months after the due date.
$270 if filed more than 6 months after the due date.

If there is an intentional disregard of the requirement, the penalty can be the greater of $550 or 10% of the required withholding.

593 Form Logo
The 593 form is a California specific form used to determine whether or not there should be state tax withheld on a property sale by the seller (individual, business entity, trust, estate, or REEP).
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